D & J Construction Company began operations in September 1967. Two brothers, R.D. Richardson and A.H. Richardson founded it. In the beginning, the company owned one rubber tire backhoe that it used for its complete gambit of business ventures. The business was incorporated in 1970, and has been on a path of growth and change since the very beginning. In December 1986, the founders sold the company to Richard Richardson. Richard is R.D.'s son and had been a part of the company since its inception. D & J has remained under his ownership and management.
D & J began by doing all phases of construction work from sewer to highway. D & J subcontracted jobs from various contractors until the company was able to become a prime contractor in the area. Since that time, D & J has experienced periods of explosive growth that has resulted in following periods of evolution and stabilization. In the later half of the 1970's the company became involved in all phases of highway construction and began a specialization in the hot mix asphalt segment of the highway construction industry in the 1980's. D & J is one of the premier companies in the production and installation of hot mix asphalt in Louisiana today.
Around 1980 D & J acquired its first asphalt plant and placed it in West Monroe, Louisiana, which was the current base and center of operations for the company. The company now has hot and cold mix production capabilities in West Monroe, Harrisonburg and Alexandria Louisiana. These locations cover a market area roughly defined as the northeast quadrant of the State of Louisiana.
The company's most significant strength has always been and hopefully will continue to be its employees. They have always been a group that exhibited a tireless work ethic coupled with a pride and an unmatched desire to achieve. This advantage has been the nucleus that has allowed D & J to successfully branch out into new ventures. Many of these earlier employees have become the guiding forces for D & J. In today's society, we consider one of the only advantages available to any employer is the ability to hire quality people to "out think" and "out work" the competition. We make every attempt to do just that.
D & J mainly performs prime contracting services to numerous governmental bodies within the State of Louisiana. The client list includes the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development as well as several city and parish governments.
In over 50 years, D & J has grown from a small company with a single piece of construction equipment to one of major highway construction operations in the State of Louisiana. The company operates over 250 pieces of construction equipment, 4 asphalt plants, and a gravel mining operation. An insightful management team and a group of persistent and professional employees that plan to continue this track record well into the 21st century have provided the success.